Predictive personalisation of conversational customer communications with data protection by design
Acronym: PRIME
Code: T1EDK-04550
MIS: 5029816
Beneficiary: Apifon S.A.
Research project PRIME focuses on the following goals:
- Research
to design a new model of personalized marketing and customer service, which uses multiple messaging channels to interact with the consumer, utilizes advanced predictive analytics technologies to tailor the content to each customer’s preferences, while at the same time ensures the protection of his or her personal data.
- Development & Assessment
of alternative predictive analytics frameworks that allow the development of predictive models and the production of personalized recommendations, and alternative conversational interface frameworks that allow the modeling of the customer intent and the conversation context, as well as the analysis of the content of written communication with the client in real time.
- Deployment & integration
of platform components and pilot testing in use cases involving personalized customer service support or personalized marketing through messaging.
- Evaluation
of R&D results and integration of the technology into personalized customer service and marketing tools addressed to some of the vertical markets that Apifon already serves such as banks, insurance organizations, retailing, transportation, hospitality, and telecommunications.
Responding to the challenges outlined in the project objectives, Apifon has set itself the goal of developing an innovative software platform that will enable consumer and service companies to enhance the communication they maintain with their customer throughout the customer life cycle, communication more (1) personalized and tailored to each customer's preferences (2) immediate, interactive and content-rich, while (3) protecting his / her personal data compliance and compliance of the business with the legal framework.
Personalization of communication through the platform is possible by collecting and analyzing data relating to the entire customer relationship with the company's products or services, exporting rules, and training predictive models for the type of information that the consumer will find useful in the future. A handy toolkit of services utilizing tools for predictive analysis, data mining and machine learning helps in this direction. The degree of immediacy of communication is directly related to the channel through which it is carried out. By choosing the channel of mobile messaging, the most popular and efficient means of contacting the end consumer, communication becomes intimate and immediate.
The interactive nature of communication is the result of the interface model offered by a smartphone's text messaging apps. These apps may be messaging apps that are pre-installed on the smartphone operating system and popular applications, such as Viber and Facebook Messenger.
One of the key features of the new generation of messaging applications is that in addition to exchanging simple text messages, applications provide the additional ability to exchange rich content such as image or video. The platform's innovation is not limited to its functionality, but it also focuses on the way the platform safeguards the privacy of the consumer, by designing it (privacy by design), so that businesses that use it can keep up with the growing demands the new European Data Protection Regulation (EU General Data Protection Regulation).
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