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Every SMS brings conversions

Engage your audience using the channel with the highest open rates for promotional, transactional, and conversational purposes.

Get started

Why should I choose SMS marketing?

Leverage higher open rates
compared to other marketing channels!

Increase Conversions
by crafting SMS messages that motivate action. 

Understand your customers 
with powerful campaign metrics.

Reach a global audience
by connecting with your customers in over 200 countries.

Enable SMS Failover
for maximum campaign deliverability.

of people open an SMS within 3 minutes

average open rate

of consumers prefer receiving SMS

How to drive more conversions with SMS?

Personalized fields

Send personalized messages to each subscriber by using customized fields like First Name.
Branded-Sender ID

Personalize a text message with your brand name to instantly connect with potential customers.
Two-way Conversations

Receive instant responses and engage in real-time conversations with your audience.
Landing Pages

Share the URL of a landing page in your messaging campaigns and improve your click-through rates.
SMS Shorten URL

Reduce the length of long links and limit the number of characters in your message.
Unsubscribe Links

Give your customers the chance to fine-tune their communication preferences.

Agnotis consolidates SMS in Apifon and enhances engagement and sales through two-way messaging.

Apifon guarantees 98% text message delivery.

Segment your audience, reduce costs

Leverage our smart segmentation tools to engage diverse SMS subscribers and target messages based on:

Customer Engagement
Reward highly engaged subscribers.

Shopping Behavior
Encourage recent buyers (within 30 days) to make another purchase.

Campaign Interaction
Focus on users who engaged with your last campaign.

You choose the segment, Apifon handles the rest!