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30 October 2023

Black Friday: 7+1 ways to upgrade your Viber messaging [2024]

Viber Business Messaging provides numerous options to enhance your business communication.


With over 2 billion users worldwide, Viber is one of the most popular messaging platforms.

Beyond its cost-effectiveness, Viber offers powerful tools that can significantly boost your sales, especially during major events like Black Friday.


1. Use Viber to send notifications to your subscribers

Leverage Viber Messaging for your Black Friday campaigns to engage and interact with your subscribers through messages that fall into three categories:

  • Conversational: Provide customers with the information they need to complete purchases and address any questions.
  • Transactional: Keep customers updated on order progress, including shipping notifications and delivery details.
  • Promotional: Share enticing Black Friday offers, combining text, images, and call-to-action buttons to create engaging campaigns.

2. Convert inactive subscribers into customers

Black Friday presents a great opportunity to reconnect with inactive customers—those who have previously engaged but haven’t interacted recently. Target this group with promotional messages offering exclusive deals and incentives to encourage purchases.

Additionally, engage them with chat messages requesting feedback on their past experiences, demonstrating that their opinions matter to your business.

Tip: The Apifon platform automatically segments your subscriber list, creating pre-built segments based on subscriber interactions with your communications, allowing you to easily identify inactive subscribers and send them targeted offers. Give them an irresistible deal and win them back!

3. Appeal to consumers’ emotions

Black Friday is the perfect time for brands to strengthen relationships with both potential and existing customers. Focus on the value your business can bring to them, not just on selling products.

Be creative—show the human side of your brand by demonstrating empathy and understanding of your audience’s needs. Personalize your ads and promotions with clear, concise, and relatable messaging.

Extra Tip: Viber excels at rich, dynamic content, including images, videos, GIFs, polls, and even audio messages. Black Friday is an ideal time to use multimedia elements to amplify your message and boost conversions.

4. Promote your brand throughout the customer journey

Viber allows you to engage customers at every stage of their buying journey:

  • Awareness: Introduce potential customers to your brand by sharing information about your products or services. Make a strong first impression to capture their interest.

  • Consideration: Once someone knows your brand, engage them with contests or welcome gifts like discounts on their first purchase or free shipping.

  • Conversion: Use Viber Business Messages to offer exclusive Black Friday deals, providing incentives that give you a competitive edge.

  • Support: Post-purchase, maintain the relationship with loyalty rewards, coupons, and feedback requests to show that you value their experience and are committed to improvement.

5. Maximize efficiency with personalized messages

Connect with your audience on a personal level and encourage them to shop through targeted messages based on data such as gender, age, location, and preferences. A well-organized customer database can be extremely useful in this case. By understanding which segment of your client is most likely to shop on Black Friday, you can focus your marketing efforts on that and maximize your conversions.

6.  Appropriate timing of marketing actions

Black Friday is a busy time for both businesses and shoppers. As businesses prepare for the holiday shopping season, consumers are actively searching for the best deals. With so many brands competing for attention, it's essential to launch your campaign at the optimal time.

Start early with focused efforts. Rather than trying to reach everyone at once, begin by targeting a smaller group of loyal customers who have previously made purchases. This group is more likely to engage with your promotion.

Gradually scale your campaign. Develop a structured plan that covers the entire Black Friday period—before, during, and after the event.

Avoid overwhelming your customers. Segment your messages by content and relevance, giving consumers the time to absorb the information and act on it.

Monitor performance closely. Track how your audience responds to your messages. If engagement starts to decline, consider reducing the frequency of communication or testing a new strategy.

7. Experiment with "mini-campaigns"

Before launching your campaign on a large scale, test the effectiveness of your messages by sending variations of your content—both visual and textual—to different user segments. Use data analysis tools to track engagement metrics, such as open rates and click-through rates. Based on these insights, refine your messaging, expand your reach to a larger audience, and repeat the process until you identify the most effective campaign for your target demographic. With Viber, testing different strategies and content types is straightforward and effective, ensuring your marketing efforts are always optimized.

8. Evaluate campaign success

Make sure to measure your sales, conversion rates, and other key performance indicators. This will help you understand what works and what doesn’t. By doing this, you can continuously adjust your marketing strategy to ensure you’re maximizing the effectiveness of your Black Friday campaigns and applying your best practices to future initiatives.

Start today to explore the limitless possibilities of Viber Messaging and make the most of this year's Black Friday!

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