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05 September 2024

Ecommerce Messaging: How to turn a new customer into a loyal advocate

The journey of a customer is filled with dynamic interactions that shape the evolution and duration of their relationship with a business.


A recent buyer will not necessarily become a loyal customer. If the business fails to persuade them through targeted communications and actions, there is a risk they may disengage and become inactive. Each stage of the consumer journey has its objectives, from building trust and encouraging repeat purchases to enhancing loyalty, with different marketing efforts and communications required at each stage.

In this article, we will explore how a business can convert a new contact into a customer and loyal advocate through business messaging, highlighting ways to re-engage customers who have stopped interacting with your business. Specifically, we will outline the stages and needs of business messaging for:

  1. New Customers
  2. Recent Buyers
  3. Frequent Buyers
  4. Lapsed Customers

1. First contact: the starting point

The customer subscribes to your list or makes their first purchase. This is the first and most critical point of contact with the customer. At this stage, the goal is to create a positive first impression, build trust in the brand, and encourage ongoing interactions.


  • Transactional: Send a welcome message that includes a warm greeting along with information about your business or a confirmation of their order with details about shipping and delivery.
  • Promotional: Leverage this initial contact by including a special offer, such as a discount on the next order, to encourage the customer to make a new purchase soon.

 Potential scenarios:

  • The customer shows interest in the brand and begins to engage more or makes a purchase if they haven't already.
  • The customer does not continue the interaction and stops responding to promotional efforts and communications.

2. Recent buyer: building a relationship of trust

The customer has completed their purchase, received the product, and is using it. At this point, they have formed an experiential connection with your business and your product or service. Moving forward, your mission is to strengthen the relationship with the customer, support them with inquiries or difficulties, and provide incentives for repeat purchases.

Remember, while you may have gained a customer, the key is to maintain their interest and prevent them from becoming inactive.


  • Transactional: Send a follow-up email after the product delivery, prompting the customer for feedback and a review of the product and their overall interaction with your business. This is also an opportunity to offer useful tips for using the product and enhancing the customer experience.

  • Promotional: Send targeted communications showcasing products that align with the customer’s preferences or relate to their first purchase. Suggest complementary products or services along with a special offer or discount. Additionally, consider offering a limited-time promotion (flash sale) to capture the customer's attention, and inform them about new products or services they might find interesting

Potential scenarios: 

  • The customer is satisfied with the product and returns to make another purchase.
  • The customer does not make an immediate follow-up purchase and begins to lose interest.

3. Frequent buyer: developing long-term bonds 

At this stage, the customer has made regular purchases and shows high loyalty to your business. Your primary concern here is to maintain loyalty and strengthen the relationship, aiming for long-term customer support.


  • Promotional: Offer reward programs, such as points, discounts, or exclusive offers for loyal customers. You might also organize VIP events or provide early access to new products before the general public. Additionally, reward customers who refer your business to others with special benefits.

Potential scenarios: 

  • The customer remains loyal and makes regular purchases while promoting your brand to friends and acquaintances.
  • The customer begins to disengage and reduces their interaction with the business.

4. Lapsed customer: Re-Engagement

The customer has not interacted with the business for a long time and has not made any purchases. In this case, it is essential to take action to rekindle the customer’s interest and encourage some interaction.


  • Promotional: Send a re-engagement email with an appealing message, such as "We Miss You!" or "We Have a Special Offer Just for You!" along with a significant discount or attractive incentive to bring the customer back. If they do not respond, send a final "Last Chance" message before removing them from active lists.  

Potential scenarios: 

  • The customer returns and purchases after receiving a special offer or communication.
  • The customer does not respond to any outreach and remains inactive.

The customer journey presents businesses with both challenges and opportunities. Leveraging these strategically can lead to maximum benefits.

Start today with Apifon’s Smart Audience Segmentation and reach out to your customers with targeted communications at any stage they are in, increasing their loyalty and ensuring they remain active members of your customer base.

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